

  • CNC line boring of engine block’s main journals
  • CNC decking of engine to match deck heights between banks
  • CNC decking of engine for Ra<15 for optimal MLS gasket sealing surface
  • Precision honing of connecting rod small end where needed
  • Precision honing of connecting rod big end where needed
  • Precision diamond plateau honing of all cylinders with DSPORT Torque Plate*
  • Surface finish matching of all cylinders to ideal finish measured with profilometer
  • Micropolishing of all crankshaft journal surfaces
  • Deburring of ring end gaps following filing
  • Deburring of piston crowns, valve reliefs and skirt edges


  • Match balance of all pistons and pins to within +/- 0.2grams
  • Match balance of all connecting rod small ends to within +/- 0.2grams
  • Match balance of all connecting rod big ends to within +/- 0.2grams
  • Dynamic balance of crankshaft to less than 0.25grams
  • Dynamic balance of flywheel to less than 0.25grams
  • Measure of dynamic torque for rotation of rotating assembly


  • Installation of graded main bearings in block for ideal main oil clearances
  • Installation of graded rod bearings in rods for ideal rod oil clearances
  • Installation of crankshaft and angle torque of main studs in block
  • Measurement of all rod and main pins on crankshaft
  • Measurement of crankshaft end play and thrust adjustment where needed
  • Measurement of piston pin-to-piston and piston pin-to-rod small end
  • Rod side clearance measured and adjusted when Necessary
  • Piston/rod assemblies installed with indexed ring end gaps
  • All rod bolts torqued to bolt manufacturer’s stretch recommendation



  • Automated Ultrasonic and Jet Washing Operations
  • Hand brush wash of all components at multiple stages

*This torque plate was engineered and developed to exactly match distortion of cylinders when cylinder heads are torqued into place with a factory head gasket and either factory head bolts or ARP CA625+ head studs.

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